I have great news! Barnes and Noble's UNABASHEDLY BOOKISH blog has asked me to write some Cover Stories for them, and I'll be doing that every Tuesday. Today, I'm featuring CJ Omololu's Dirty Little Secrets (a.k.a. the YA Hoarder book!). Here's a teaser from the story:"When I thought about the cover for Dirty Little Secrets, I was actually thinking of something more graphic, although I had no idea what. We'd seen so many Twilight-esque covers that are cool -- books like The Dark Divine that are spare and striking -- so I thought it would be more like that. Good thing my publisher didn't ask me, because somehow, the image of a bag of garbage or a stack of National Geographics probably wouldn't be as eye-catching as what Walker came up with...."
Read the rest at Unabashedly Bookish, and I'll love you forever if you comment over there and make me feel popular. Thanks!
Happy Tuesday!