I'm over at Death by Latte author Linda Gerber's blog today, so go leave a comment to win a signed copy of Violet in Private!Meanwhile, I'm totally impressed by Entertainment Weekly's attention to the way-too-thin 90210 actresses (which I read about on ypulse). Way to go, EW! What do you guys think? I say: Scary Skinny--help them become more Blair-and-Joan-like. I heart Blair Waldorf. And Joan Holloway from Mad Men--who is a total babe. See below for proof.
PS-I'm following all the Mad Men characters on twitter--and they are following me! How cool is that? I'm a giddy fangirl when they send me messages. I know: Dork.
Guest Vlogging at Linda Gerber's Launch Party... and Skinny 90210
in Other Stuff