Just a few things to check out today:1. My interview with Girls' Life magazine: "I Wanna Be... An Author!"
2. Omnivoracious did an amazing post on The YA Decade (that would be the '00s), and Justine Larbalestier wrote a fascinating response to said post, and noted lots of authors who should also have been included. Both way worth reading! Self-involved bonus: I'm mentioned in Omnivoracious post as someone for whom Meg Cabot paved the way (totally thrilling!).
3. Happy Blogiversary to Harmony Book Reviews! Watch my vlog and comment for a chance to win Lovestruck Summer, here.
4. Tell an embarrassing dentist story (real or fictional) and enter to win a copy of the new graphic novel Smile by Raina Telgemeier over at Bildungsroman.
5. Don't forget to enter last Wednesday's Bad Blood contest. You've got one more day.
Happy Tuesday!
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