First, I just had to fulfill a promise to commenters on The Book Lady's fun interview with me. Behold, a photo of the pink flowered chair in which I write daily (and which I'm sinking into right now). I don't know why I look so sly in that photo, but I really love it, ottoman and all!
Second, I've mentioned how writing articles for various venues can help get your name in front of potential readers, and you can go further by writing articles that help other authors (and you!) in their marketing endeavors.
Today, one such article I wrote was posted on It's called Building Buzz For Your Book, and I got to interview some very creative author and publishing types who shared great ideas. Thank you all!
PS-UPDATED: Buzz begets buzz, which is another thing to remember. Thanks, Galleycat! (And sorry to everyone who can't read the story on because they're not members... I didn't realize that part earlier!).
Marketing Monday: Comfy Chairs and Buzz
in Other Stuff