"It's a hard sell, asking readers to muster sympathy for the congenitally gorgeous whose job it is to wear designer clothes and walk. In 'Violet on the Runway,' Melissa Walker pulls it off." --Holly Brubach, The New York TimesI'm so excited to be in the pages of The New York Times style magazine, T. You can read the story here, or just click below for a larger version of the scanned pages.
The way this story came about was that I emailed a Times editor, saying that a lot of Young Adult books about the modeling world were coming out, and maybe they'd like to do a round-up. They liked the idea and asked for a list of books, so of course I put Violet on the Runway on the list. Luckily, Violet was chosen to be featured, along with Cheryl Diamond's Model: A Memoir.
It's a matter of getting them an idea that's not just "Please cover my book?" but more of a trend piece. Yay! I hope you guys like the article. And isn't Emily Blunt so pretty on the cover? She reminds me of my character Veronica (looks wise, at least)!
Marketing Monday: The New York Times!
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