Photo Friday: Beauty Treatments

Okay, so I'm being a guinea pig for a magazine where I have to try out a bunch of treatments around NYC, and last week I had two: 1) Eyelash extensions, 2) Spray tan. I can't give away all my thoughts on these--that's for the magazine--but I will tell you that I felt very "not me" for a while. Here's a pic that my friend Katie took over the weekend:Tan%20Melissa.jpg I wasn't wearing a stitch of makeup, and I was darker than nature intended. (I know it's not very tan; I'm pale as a ghost normally). Happy weekend! PS-For some reason the picture isn't very clear unless you click to enlarge--then it comes into focus and you can see the eyelashes more. PPS-Found out about Deborah Reber's new venture: Editing teen memoirs. Wanna get yours published? More info on readergirlz. UPDATE: Adding another lash photo upon request. The closed-eye shot. Sorry it's blueish--Photo Booth on my Mac is often that way. Photo%2033.jpg