Photo Friday: Martha!

So last week I got to attend a Martha Stewart taping. I highly recommend this. Some pics:Me and my friend Caroline in the studio. Lights! Cameras! Actions! cjmw.jpg Martha from afar on Anne's iPhone: tinymartha.jpg The glorious SWAG bag (Jamie Oliver book! Wii game! Chocolate! Glitter crafting supplies! Heaven.): swag.jpg And Martha's influence on me, with my unglam crazy hair and apron. I tried to make a lemon meringue pie. The meringue turned out quite lovely, but the filling was a bit too liquid. Oh well, next time. (I am so not a kitchen person. Sigh.) pie.jpg We also got to see Martha interview Sir Ian McKellen (aka Gandolf!) and Naked Chef Jamie Oliver (who is totally hot and also doing some good stuff with his School Dinners program). Happy Friday! PS-Anyone can get Martha tickets. Go here!