Sadie Magazine, "Red Hook High," and the Author/Model Connection

logo.jpgI'm loving this new magazine, and not just because I wrote a story for them about the skinny models thing. Visit the site if you're into cool, smart, funny girls. Trust me. Also, I'm so proud of my friend Trac, who directed a pilot of "Red Hook High" and was featured in The New York Times yesterday. He calls the show, "the anti-Gossip Girl" and although I love GG, I'm also up for loving the anti-GG. The Times says: "Red Hook High" is set in a Brooklyn waterfront neighborhood that is teetering on the edge of gentrification. The actors are local teenagers, some of whom attended South Brooklyn Community High School in Red Hook, where the pilot was filmed. There was no script, just a story outline and character profiles. The teenagers developed the dialogue themselves over the course of a seven-week acting workshop held after school. Mr. Vu found the students through three local youth arts programs. Isn't that awesome? Read the full story here. A tiny view of Red Hook (see a photostream here--it's a gorgeous neighborhood!): 410937815_f4dce9ade7.jpg And, I had so much fun on Saturday at the Rye Free Reading Room in Rye, New York. The crowd was engaging and everyone had great questions--Selena and I had a blast (I read a Violet scene, then she tells her real-life experience in the same situations)! My fabulous writer and pop-cultured friend Kwana even showed up and posted a photo of us on her blog. Thanks, Kwana. Lastly: Good TV last night. I can't keep up on Sundays and Mondays, but I did manage to watch Gossip Girl and Mad Men. Delicious! Happy Tuesday.