how to save a life

Win-It Wednesday: How to Save a Life

The winner of Drink, Slay, Love is... Krista! Send me your address, K. This week I'm giving away a copy of Sara Zarr's How to Save a Life, which is one of the best books I've read all year. For reals. Here's what I tweeted right after I finished reading it: "Just finished @sarazarr's How to Save a Life. Tears. Heart swoons. Joy. Bittersweetness. A gorgeous book!"

That's how I feel. And you can win it! This week, I need some help. I'm a total night owl, but having a baby means I really need to get with the program and become a morning person so I can wake up by 7am with June. I know that's not crazy early, but to me it's INSANE. I'm a 10am wake-up, at best, if I follow my body's instincts.

So, give me a tip (or just a why-it's-nice-to-be-a-morning-person note) below in the comments, and you're entered to win Sara's lovely book. I'll choose a winner at random next Wednesday.