jena malone

Come Back, Jena Malone!

Remember when Jena Malone was all cool and cute and in Saved! (great movie, btw)?Jena-Malone-1211470.jpg jena.jpg And now, she's like a skinny femme-bot. It's making me sad. jenanow.jpg I wonder if someone told her she had to lose weight to keep her career going, or if some internal pressure kicked in, or if she's just had the flu for like six months. But come on. jena malone.jpg Come back to us, Jena! Sorry, I had to get that off my chest. Share more cheery news here for a chance to win Across the Universe, and end this blog visit on a good note. Also, remember: love your real body. Being too skinny makes you look old (she's 26!).