Had to spread the news about the Great Scavenger Hunt contest from Kay Cassidy, which every library should get in on. Seriously! Basically, readers read a scavenger hunt book, complete the scavenger hunt, and turn it in to their librarian. If they get 8 out of 10 answers correct, the librarian then enters them in the monthly contest.Then every month, Kay chooses one lucky winner to receive a $50 Barnes & Noble gift card, and their library wins a library prize tote filled with more amazing scavenger hunt books for the library collection.
How cool is this idea?! I made a Scavenger Hunt for Violet on the Runway (find it on this page), and I think I'm gonna make some more! I seriously love, love, love this game.
Spread the word to your libraries, people!
*PS-Remember to Rock the Drop on Thursday and enter to win two books from Coe Booth by tomorrow! Just leave a book around your town with a readergirlz bookplate... good deeds, man. They rule.*
The Great Scavenger Hunt by Kay Cassidy
in Other Stuff