The Winner of the Big Contest is...

Maria!She and her friends made this awesome video with important scenes from Violet on the Runway, and I just fell in love. I especially like the makeover scene--you guys should definitely watch it! Thank you, Maria! You guys did such a great job, and my panel of judges (that being me and my boyfriend and one discerning friend with great taste) had a really hard time choosing among a bunch of fabulous entries, but in the end, we all agreed on Maria's video. Send me your address and I'll send you the full book party gift bag! You have to share with Nicole T, Amanda and Nicole B! Now, everyone made amazing things for this contest, and I want to spend the next few Thursdays posting the entries (please email me to let me know if you do NOT want me to share your entry--there were a couple more private people who submitted, and I want to respect that). Also, you guys know I'm a sucker for prizes, so everyone who sent something will get a prize--just email me your address if you entered, and you will get a mystery gift in the mail. That's cuz I appreciate your work. A lot. THANK YOU GUYS for making Violet in Private's release month so much fun!! PS-Sorry for the tone change, but I can't write today without mentioning September 11th. It was the first year I'd moved to NYC, I was 24, and I won't ever forget that day.