1. Another amazing entry in the big Violet contest came from Regina, who created a Violet fansite (that's a screenshot above), complete with an awesome poem about Violet and a soundtrack, which I have to post because I love the explanations for song choices!
Soundtrack for the Violet books, by Regina
Glamorous- Fergie I chose this because this was how Violet's life became after she entered the modelling world.
Girlfriend- Avril Lavigne How Violet felt when she saw Chloe and Roger together
Crush- David Archuleta Violet's love for Roger or Roger's love for Violet
Teardrops on my guitar- Taylor Swift Whenever Roger talks about Chloe in front of Violet
Rumours- Lindsay Lohan The way Violet feels about the paparazzi
Picture to burn- Taylor Swift Message to Peter from Violet ;D
Thanks, Regina--I love this tribute site!
2. I'm over at Kelly Parra's Secret Fates Extravaganza today, sharing a secret... about graveyards. Creepy. So go check me out for a chance to win a copy of Violet in Private there, and also check out all the other posts--everyone is giving away books. It's like a crazy contest blowout. YES!
3. It's Fat Talk Free Week, and tons of pro-women organizations have teamed up with the Tri-Deltas to host this week, and they made this video, which has some eye-opening statistics about women and body image, and may make you think twice about what you say to other girls about their weight--even if you think you're being positive. I'll let you go explore the site on your own, and sign the Fat Talk Free pact, too!
Hope that wasn't overwhelming. Sometimes when I blog about more than one thing I feel spazzy.
Three Thursday Things
in Other Stuff