Win a signed copy of Scott Westerfeld's Uglies!

51-JV%2B1%2BDSL._BO2%2C204%2C203%2C200_PIlitb-dp-500-arrow%2CTopRight%2C32%2C-59_OU01_AA240_SH20_.jpg You guys must all know about this series, right? Scott Westerfeld's world is so much fun to get lost in -- and it's also a great social commentary. In short, Tally Youngblood lives in a world where, at age 16, everyone is made "Pretty" with plastic surgery. So what happens when she considers rebelling? Quite a bit of adventure!To win a copy, just say hi below and tell me about the latest book you've loved! I have so much I want to write about, but it'll wait. I'll also announce contest winners next week, so on Monday I'll post Monday's winner, Tuesday I'll post Tuesday's winner... you see the pattern here. So keep entering contests this weekend! By the way, my blog about Ali Michael got picked up on myspace books as the featured blog--hooray! Go comment over there if you have the inclination. Oh and check out my mini-interview with the lovely Lisa of Pink World. She is super-kooky in a very cool way. And a huge THANKS for stopping by and making the contests really fun this week!