Thank you for all the amazing ideas for Violet in Private promotion--I am going to use some, and I will credit the idea people accordingly once I get organized--really! Remember to pre-order the book at your local bookstore if you want to be sure it's there. I would love, love, love that. Now, the winner of Lauren Baratz-Logsted's fantastic Secrets of My Suburban Life is... Lenore! I just won one of her contests, (yes, I love giveaways too!), but I promise her winning was all luck! Lenore, send me your address. I've been putting off this giveaway for, oh, six months, because I kept thinking I might keep this book. I have two copies, but only one is signed and signed and signed by many of the 58 amazing girls who contributed to Red: The Next Generation of American Writers--Teenage Girls--On What Fires Up Their Lives Today, and also by the uniquely awesome editor of the book, Amy Goldwasser. Amy made sure that each and every word in Red came directly from the teenage authors, which is what a true editor does.
I can't rave enough, so I won't go on. I'll just say that this book will break your heart, ignite your passions, make you want to sing and dance and celebrate all teenage girls and how freaking smart and insightful they are.
Here's just one example, Aarian Marshall, reading from "Burning in Heaven":
See more on Red's YouTube channel, and read the authors' works on The Huffington Post.
To win the signed--yes, the signed--copy of the book, tell me this: What would your RED essay be about? (Enter through next Tuesday at midnight; double counts on your entry if you post about this on your blog or in a bulletin--just tell me.)
And have a Happy Wednesday.
PS-You can still win a copy of Violet by Design here at Shooting Stars magazine and a full set of Violet books here at Book Chic's blog. Good luck!
Win-It Wednesday: Bloody RED Heart
in Other Stuff