I'm totally going to recycle that "what made you happy today" question, because every day I heard more and more about what was making people happy and that made me happy. It was a smilefest. Anyway, the winner of What Would Emma Do?, as chosen at random, is... Dragon's Pizza! She has a cool Pretty Little Liars skin on her myspace page (still need to read those books!) and is playing Taylor Swift's Love Story. A girl after my own heart! Send me your address, DP. Now, this week I'm giving away an ARC of the much-anticipated FADE, by the Lisa McMann, whom I'm kind of friends with. I mean, we've hung out a few times and I adore her. So in my mind, that makes us friends. Anyway. The book is just as good as it's predecessor, NY Times Bestselling WAKE, and I actually think it's even a little better because the action is so intense in this one! You'll love it.
So, Valentine's Day is coming up, and on I Heart Daily, we did a feature where the amazing Ben Kweller (Do you guys listen to Ben? You should so listen to Ben) picked out his favorite love songs. Go check it out because: 1. It rules. It's an amazing mix of songs; 2. Ben is a truly romantic soul. And when it's true, it doesn't come off as cheesy, so that's a bonus. Listen and love.
That was a long interlude, but it's all coming together here: To enter to win the copy of FADE, comment below and tell me what your #1 favorite love song is, right now. I mean, it might change tomorrow, but what's the first one that pops into your mind? For me, in this very moment, it's Resurrection Fern by Iron & Wine (if you click through it's the last song on that list). Worth a listen. I promise.
PS-Don't forget that Lisa is running this Fund Your Dream Contest (the prize is $1000!) until early March, so enter if you're between 14-18. I mean, why not?!
PPS-Tonight at 9pm EST: Carolina-Duke. Go Heels!
UPDATE: Carolina 101, Those Other People 87. WOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!
Win-It Wednesday: FADE by Lisa McMann
in Other Stuff