Last week's winner of Elizabeth Scott's Bloom + TESS lip gloss, as chosen by random number generator, is... GirlwiththeBraids! Send me your address, braids. This week, I'm celebrating a momentous moment (is that repetitive?), which is that I read my very first Meg Cabot book! Now, let me say that I've been loving Meg's blog and the movies made from her books for a while. I don't know what in the world kept me from her for so long, but you can be sure that How to Be Popular will not be my last Meg book--I loved it! She's so fun and fast and quippy and heartfelt and just a whole lot of bundled goodness and hilarity. Yay!
(Also, she sort of said hi to me when we were on a chat together earlier this month, and I felt a fangirl flutter. So, you know, we're kind of friends. Um, virtually.)
So, now that I've read How to Be Popular, it's your turn (read an excerpt through that link). This book happens to be part of a very big book club in December, so if you win it, I expect you to join in that conversation (more details soon). And, bonus, I found three cover images (two are likely foreign editions). But the big one is the one I have.
To enter to win, please comment below on this topic: What makes a person truly popular at your school? (Or when you were in school, if you're done.)
I think at my high school, it ended up that the kids who were popular in middle school became less popular as the years went on. I'm happy to report that the truly nice ones rose to the top by senior year. Well, mostly.
Happy Wednesday!
PS-You have until 11pm to go here and try to win a copy of Violet in Private. Go, go!
Win-It Wednesday: How to Be Popular by Meg Cabot
in Other Stuff