Thank you guys for helping to spread the word about Violet in Private--I seriously appreciate the efforts! The winner of Twilight, chosen randomly, is... Bubbles! Send me your address, B. This week, I'm giving away a copy of a really original, riveting debut by Lisa McMann: Wake (it's an autographed copy!). I can tell you that not only is the book really intriguing, but Lisa herself is also utterly awesome. Wake is the story of Janie, a regular girl in high school who has an unexpected little gift: She can drop into other people's dreams... Doesn't just that sentence make you wanna read it?! I know it does.
So to win the signed copy of Wake, just comment below and tell me about the weirdest (or funniest, or most memorable) dream you've ever had.
Oh, and no one ever claimed the signed copy of Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan (which is in my top 3 books I read this year--sooooooo good), so that will be a second prize for this week. I'll choose two winners--so just let me know which book you're playing for if you have a preference.
PS-Thanks for the early reviews of Violet in Private from Book Chic, The Story Siren, Book Muncher and The Ravenous Reader! If you guys have more word-spreading ideas, let me know. I'd love to write a book #4 for Violet!
Win-It Wednesday: WAKE
in Other Stuff