The band names you guys came up with.... well, they rocked. I'm going to try to use as many as I can in Lovestruck Summer (I mention a lot of music in the book), so thank you for helping me write! The winner, chosen by random number generator, is.... The Book Muncher! Congratulations! Send me your address and a copy of Maine Squeeze will get to you just in time for the heart of beach read season. Today, I'm giving away a copy of Maryrose Wood's fabulous and fantastical novel, Why I Let My Hair Grow Out. It's the story of Morgan, a girl who gets dumped, buzzcuts her hair and dyes it orange, and then is sent on a bike tour of Ireland by her concerned parents. I loved watching her get more and more into her own badassness, and then delve into the forgotten fairyland of her childhood. Yeah, I know my summary makes no sense, but you just have to read it. It's delightful. And, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it has one of the most gorgeous covers in recent memory.
So to win Maryrose Wood's excellent book, just tell me what book you're reading right now... the latest on your nightstand. I'm nosey.
On mine: Girl Overboard by Justina Chen Headley. Happy Wednesday!
Win-It Wednesday: Why I Let My Hair Grow Out
in Other Stuff