Last week's winner of Stephanie Kuehnert's I Wanne Be Your Joey Ramone is... Aimee C, who also gets a flower wristband! And, there are three additional wristband winners: Blondey, Lilly and Book~Adorer! Let me know where to send your prizes. This week, in honor of last night's fabulous election, I'm giving away an autographed copy of David Levithan's prescient 2006 novel, Wide Awake. It's a story about a newly elected gay, Jewish president whose win is called into question. Well, that's part of the story. The other part is a sweet love story. Frenetic Reader and I must think alike, because she reviewed the book yesterday and can give your more information (and a bit of fangirl gushing).
To enter, just say hi below and tell me what you ate for breakfast. Yes, this week is easy because I'm in such a good mood! Me? I ate a mixed berry Yoplait yogurt. And now I'm going to walk in the sunshine. I've gone cheesy today.
Happy Wednesday!
PS-David put up an awesome post on YA for Obama that will make you want this book even more! Go read it.
Win-It Wednesday: Wide Awake by David Levithan (signed!)
in Other Stuff