Here is the fabulous Victoria's Big Contest Entry, which I love, love, loved (after I looked up "vagility")! Those of you who've read the Violet books will enjoy it, and those of you who haven't, well, enjoy anyway. And ask for the books for a holiday gift. Heehee.Here's Victoria:
"I came up with the idea of describing Violet's character using the letters of her name along with an explanation as to why I perceive Violet in this way. I have also tried to use words which aren't particularly 'obvious' just to make it more fun! My ideas of Violet are based on book 1. :)
V - Vagility
Violet has vagility as she was able to succeed in the modeling industry despite having to struggle to create a name for herself as its such a competitive business. She overcame a number of different problems which could have ruined her chances to reach the success she has, for example, Veronica's nastiness towards the beginning.
I - Intelligence
Not only did Violet manage to graduate from school early, but she also had the intelligence to know when it was time to return home to correct any problems with the people who are most important... her family and friends.
O - Originality
Violet's ideas for the modeling industry were completely original, including what others would describe as her 'amateur' smile and her 'everyday' walk. She was daring enough to try something new and was successful as she found a way which would work for her.
L - Loyalty
Violet stuck by Veronica when she was going through her time of need. This showed great loyalty as Veronica had not always been the nicest person to Violet. Violet also showed loyalty when she went home to her family and friends, those who are genuine, as opposed to staying in the superficial lifestyle where relationships were based on what oppurtunities you could create for each other.
E - Extraordinary
Violet is most certainly living an extraordinary lifestyle, after all, how many people get spotted by a women in Chanel shades who are suddenly the most sought after model in the country?
T - Talented
Violet most certainly has a whole lot of talent! The adventures she endures are all the proof we need of this. Originally, she seemed to carry inner talent as when she was snapped up by Angela she was unsure of whether she was up to the challenge, however, after the ego-boosting sessions she certainly flaunted her new-found talent!"
Thanks to the creative and lovely Victoria! Happy Thursday!
PS-There's an interview with me up on Sparknotes where you can ask me a question about being a writer and I'll totally answer (not that I wouldn't answer anyway). Go check it out if you have time.
Yet Another Amazing Contest Entry!
in Other Stuff